Relevant groups and Websites
Wheter you are an expat family or local living in Houston and seeking to connect with like-minded individuals, you might want to consider joining some of the online groups on social media that are relevant to your interests. As a member of the Danish American Chamber in Houston, we have compiled a list of online groups that we believe could be beneficial to you.
These groups could help you find friends, learn about local events, and get tips on living in the area. By joining these groups, you'll have access to a community of people who share similar experiences and can provide valuable support. We hope that you find these resources useful and look forward to seeing you at our future events.
For Women
Lunch group in West Houston - Meets once every month;
Group of Danish women in the US; https://www.facebook.com/groups/21180228399/?fref=ts
Website for expat families
Coaching for spouses; http://www.louisefly.com/
Danish for your kids while you are abroad: http://www.danes.dk/danskundervisning/fjernundervisning/hvordan-foregaar-det/
Great book about living abroad; http://verdenkalder.dk/