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Our Partners

There is a close collaboration between the Royal Danish Consulate in Houston and DACCSW. One main advantage is the Chair of DACCSW Anna Holliday is the Vice Consul at the Royal Danish Consulate, which also provides DACCSW a close connection to the Denmark embassy in Washington D.C.. This has resulted in a number of events with Danish Keynote speakers.

The Swedish American Chamber of Commerce promotes and expands existing trade and other relationships between Swedish and Texas businesses.

DACCSW has many things in common the of follow friends from Sweden and our members has similar needs. Hence, it has been a natural thing to do business together witch has resulted in a number of educational and social events.


The Norwegian American Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to the promotion of economic and cultural relations, trade and investments between the United States and Norway.

A majority of the Danish companies in Houston has very much in common with Norwegian companies and it is clear that our members can benefit from interaction between the two chambers. The joint events have been very successful, especially our social mixers at Norway house.

Germany has a well settled chamber in Houston and it has been a pleasure organizing events with our fellow German colleagues. To mention one the workshop “Cross-Cultural Collaboration between European Companies and their US Affiliates” was a very dynamic event with discussions and debate between the different cultures and nationalities.


Offshore Denmark is a unique network concept building on a wide network of more than 400 Danish export companies. Offshore Denmark is also the organizer of joint Danish export drives with Danish pavilions at important offshore exhibitions worldwide.

DACCSW has had the pleasure of collaborating with Offshore Denmark at their annual OTC visits to Houston in May.

The Danes of Houston has formed an exciting Danish Club of Houston where fellow Danes, meet, greet and assimilate in various social activities. DACCSW and the Danish Club of Houston are joining forces on many fronts with the purpose of promoting Danish network, Culture and events in Houston.

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